16 July 2012

119 One-Liners to Respond to Climate Science Myths | Planetsave

119 One-Liners to Respond to Climate Science Myths | Planetsave

Climate science expert, physicist, and highly respected blogger John Cook of SkepticalScience.com spends much of his time creating long, detailed, scientific rebuttals to climate change disinformers.

For detailed debunkings of hundreds of climate change disinformer myths, you can surf his website for hours. But for all of us who do not spend so much time debating with disinformers and do not have such deep knowledge of climate science, or who just need a short (science-backed) one-liner time and again to refute a climate science myth, one of his readers — Dr. Jan Dash, an ex-theoretical physicist and Director of the Climate Initiative of the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office — helped him to create a list of 119 one-liners to use in such circumstances, with links to more detailed, scientific arguments.

By the way, you can also get these on the skeptical science apps for the iPhoneAndroid, or Nokia.

Read the full story on Planetsave.com

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