12 January 2013

Chilean authorities approve 3.1 GW solar project

Australian Authorities are still in love with king coal

© Gilberto Perez / Wikimedia Commons CC-by-SA

09.01.2013: A total of 3.1 GW of PV projects have been approved by the authority Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental (SEA) in Chile, according to the December report of the Chilean renewable energy research institute Centro de Energías Renovables (CER). The PV projects currently under examination for approval have a total capacity of 908 MW. The report notes that despite the increase in PV projects submitted during the last months, the country has only 2.4 MW of on-grid PV system power up and running, while 2.5 MW of projects are under construction. Furthermore, the report reveals that 4.8 MW of small-sized off-grid PV systems have been installed in the Chile. Source: Centro de Energías Renovables (CER)

The complete press release can be viewed in PHOTON's archive using the following link:

08 January 2013

STUDY: Renewables Can Supply 99.9% Power by 2030

STUDY: Renewables Can Supply 99.9% Power by 2030 - Solar Feeds

“Aiming for 90 percent or more renewable energy in 2030, in order to achieve climate change targets of 80 to 90 percent reduction of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the power sector, leads to economic savings,” said authors of the study.

How so? Just read the article published recently on Solar Feeds.
It only will not happen, as corporations of opposing interest are way too strong for a fledgling industry trying to kill the establishment. And eating their own lunch? Does anyone seriously believe that Chevron, Shell, Exxon etc would voluntarily transform their own business of printing money?

I don't.

The same thing goes for Australia where king coal is at the helm of energy politics. Beyond zero emissions have costet this scenario earlier for Australia.
If only the people weren't so phlegmatic in decisive numbers, they could at least try and influence at the course at the ballot box, but no ...

06 January 2013

Solar farm gets planning nod - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

30 MW solar power project approved near Kerang

… or at least the planning for it.

The shire's Jason Russell says while the development is not guaranteed, the planning approval will allow it to begin.

Read the full story on the ABC website.

Being a possible development in Victoria I am sure the established coal industry will fight nail and tooth to find reasons why this project and similar ones being looked at cannot go ahead.