08 November 2012

Denmark Reaches 2020 Solar Goal Ahead of Schedule - Solar Feeds

Every month, another 36 MW of solar capacity is added to the grid in Denmark

More and more often we can read about the successes and progress made in other countries if it comes to renewable energy. One might think: Why aren't we in Australia in the headlines?
Seems that too many still believe that fossil fuels are still "cheaper" than renewables, they only need to be dug up. That this is the wrong track to a sustainable future is something many countries including Saudi Arabia have realised.
But check out Denmark's story for a moment, a nice example.

06 November 2012

Panasonic Freezes New Investment in Malaysia PV Manufacturing | Renewable Energy News Article

Invested too much?

Something I found on Renewable Energy World shows that even the biggest companies might overdo it in investing, they too have put on the brakes occasionally:

Japanese electronics giant Panasonic, which became a major global solar PV manufacturer after taking over rival Sanyo, will freeze new investment in its state-of-the-art wafer, cell and module manufacturing plant in Malaysia amid ... Read the full article

05 November 2012

Sydney launches $4.3M project to boost renewable energy – News Watch

A new article on National Geographic about renewable energy

Have you ever heard of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group?
I don't know, but some fantastic initiatives never make it into the mainstream news. Is it because blood and gore and guts sell better than good news?
In this case it is about a project undertaken to combat pollution and energy cost. It will allow the people in the city to breathe lighter and allow the city to spend money on more productive things than fuel.
The project economics are compelling, thanks to steep reductions in the cost of solar panels and favorable pricing on any surplus power they produce. As a result, the City was able to contract nearly twice the amount of solar PV for less than half the cost than originally envisaged in 2010.
Read more about this initiative on National Geographic's website.
To read the full press release about the project launch, click here.